TOP 10 Best Forex Trading Platforms
The variety of web terminals and specialized software makes a novice trader think about choosing a trading platform for permanent use. How to do it? To begin with, it is necessary to highlight the main criteria that must be met by high-quality software for making money in the financial markets.
Rating of the Best Forex Advisors and Trading Robots 2021
This section presents the best Forex advisors, the most popular currently in the foreign exchange market. Our rating of forex advisors will help traders interested in automated trading to find out the principles and aspects of the work of various advisors, as well as to choose the most suitable one.
Chart Of The Day: Copper Weakness Probably Not Done Yet
It has been a bad week for most risk assets this week and barring an unexpected sharp recovery today, we may well see some ugly-looking weekly candles to end this week.
A Bullish Summer In Natural Gas As Peak Season Is On The Horizon
When producers extract natural gas from the earth’s crust, the energy commodity is highly combustible. The price action in the natural gas futures arena can be just as volatile because the market has a three-decade history of price explosions and implosions.
Pay Attention To Gold Miners!
The junior mining stocks’ extreme underperformance is the “new normal” that barely anyone talks about. Ignorance is pleasant, but it comes at a cost.
Is The Small Cap Russell 2000 Index Rolling Over?
Small cap stocks spent several months charging higher out of the 2020 coronavirus crash lows.
But they have also spent the past several months forming a reversal pattern that is beginning to look like a “U-turn.”
The most popular Trading Terminals for Stock Market Brokers
The most popular Trading Terminals for Stock Market Brokers The number of trading platforms is impressive in the XXIst century. Each platform developer does its best to offer the best services. We are going to provide you with information about the 4 most popular trading platforms. This trading terminal had an impressive $85 billion […]
S&P 500 Back Below 4,400. Is It A Dip To Buy Or A New Downtrend?
Stocks sold off yesterday as the fear of Fed tapering grew. Monday’s run-up was definitely a bull trap, and our short position is profitable now.
Opening Bell: U.S. Futures Waver With European Stocks; Yields, Gold Rally
US futures on the Dow, S&P, NASDAQ and Russell 2000 were pressured in the European session on Wednesday as investors sought direction after US stocks slumped during Tuesday’s Wall Street session by the most in a month, following
As Oil Prices Slump, 5 Things Could Drive Market Volatility
Oil prices continued slumping on Wednesday, as the market weighed the dollar’s strength compared to other currencies, along with the global rise of coronavirus cases.